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«  Июль 2006  »
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Only God can judge me, is that right? Only God baby, nobody else, nobody else All you other motherfuckers get out my business!
» 2006 » Июль » 04

მოკლე შინაარსი:
კალათურთელები კალათბურთს თამაშობენ, ხოლო ზოგიერთები კი მათზე ფულ&# ... Читать дальше »

Категория: Films | Просмотров: 1294 | Добавил: Makaveli | Дата: 2006-07-04 | Комментарии (15)

როლებში: მიკი რურკი, თუფაქ შაკური

მოკლე შინაარსი:
ბუტჩ სტაინი , ზედმეტსახელად ტყვია ... Читать дальше »

Категория: Films | Просмотров: 1008 | Добавил: Makaveli | Дата: 2006-07-04 | Комментарии (1)

Interview with MTV

Star rappers Snoop Dogg and Tupac Shakur spent a lot of time lately trying to stay out of jail. Unsuccessfully, in the case of Shakur, who is headed back to the slammer for a 4-month refresher course for disdaining to do road clean-up work for a parole violation. But the under-fire duo also have flourishing musical careers, and when they shot a video in Los Angeles last weekend for their duet track, "2 Of Amerika'z Most Wanted," we paid a visit.

Tupac: The video ... Читать дальше »

Категория: Interviews | Просмотров: 775 | Добавил: Makaveli | Дата: 2006-07-04 | Комментарии (0)

It would seem like his middle name was trouble but in fact he was never arrested until he got famous. Tupac Shakur who just turned 24-year-old has grown up in front of our eyes making him seem like the king of contradictions. One moment he is rapping about empowering women and the next being thrown in jail for sexually abusing a 19-year-old woman. He has spent the last eight months in a maximum-security prison. Now he is out on appeal and in this, his first extensive TV interview, we meet the man ... Читать дальше »

Категория: Interviews | Просмотров: 746 | Добавил: Makaveli | Дата: 2006-07-04 | Комментарии (0)


Tupac had set up a company called Euphanasia to develop movie projects and help finance such community-minded projects as a center for at-risk youth, inner-city sports teams, and a toll-free number through which troubled kids could reach him. He had Yaasmyn Fula come to L.A. to run it with Molly Monjouze. Yaasmyn tried to organize Tupac's business affairs, and Molly did his financing for an at risk youth center, the bankrolling of year round South Central sports teams, and the setting ... Читать дальше »

Категория: Company | Просмотров: 824 | Добавил: Makaveli | Дата: 2006-07-04 | Комментарии (0)

როლებში: ტიმ როტი, ტუპაკ შაკური

მოკლე შინაარსი:
ფილმი ორ ნარკომან მეგობარზეა, რომლე& ... Читать дальше »

Категория: Films | Просмотров: 1083 | Добавил: Makaveli | Дата: 2006-07-04 | Комментарии (0)

The question has been raised numerous times since his death. Well here, with a HitEmUp exclusive, we're going to break down the facts for you. I know webmasters out there are going to be biting this. So for the webmasters, give credit where it's due, and to the fans, any sites that don't credit are fake and shouldn't be supported.
His Marriage to Keisha
If you listen to Tupac's earlier work, you won't find any mentions of his wanting to have children, however around the time of Me Again ... Читать дальше »

Категория: He's Child | Просмотров: 1692 | Добавил: Makaveli | Дата: 2006-07-04 | Комментарии (1)

September 1968: Tupac's mother, Afeni Shakur, joins the New York Black Panther party at age 22.
April 1969: Afeni's is arrested and charged with conspiracy to bomb several public areas in new York City. While out on bail, Afeni courts two men: Legs, a local hood, and Billy, a member of the party.
February 1971: Afeni, pregnant with Tupac, has her bail revoked; she's sent to the Women's House of Detention in Greenwich Village.
June 16, 1971: Shortly after his mom is acquitted on bom ... Читать дальше »

Категория: Timeline | Просмотров: 766 | Добавил: Makaveli | Дата: 2006-07-04 | Комментарии (0)

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